免費句型大公開!2024 職場必備商用英文書推薦,TOEIC Email、自學商業英文很簡單!






1. 要抄,就抄最強的英文E-mail 053

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2. 希平方攻其不背商務英文篇 053
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3.和全球做生意必備會議英語 商務職場必備詞彙+實用句053
8 大主題如:辦公室英語﹑開會與簡報﹑出差與商展﹑談判議價等
和全球做生意 商務職場必備詞彙+實用句
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4. 和全球做生意 必備商用英文E-mail053
和全球做生意 必備商用英文E-mail【書+朗讀MP3(掃描QR CODE線上聽)】
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5. 外國人天天在用上班族萬用E-mail大全 053
指出商用書信三大原則:簡單明瞭、重點擺前面、發信前再檢查一遍;特別推薦此書提供大量替代詞彙讓你抄書抄的不留痕跡,如”prevent you from participating”,prevent可用forbid, stop, keep, withhold代替。
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6. 英文E-mail,抄這本就夠了053

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7. 超強英文寫作課:英文商業書信基本範例 053

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8. 14天學好職場英文簡報:從開場到結尾,即學即用!053
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不知道適合哪本英文雜誌? 不會挑? 看這篇: 一張圖學會挑英文雜誌!英文雜誌推薦,適用國小國中高中大學,TOEIC﹑TOEFL﹑IELTS準備書

英文雜誌適合階段 2


wanna= want to 想去; gonna= going to 正在去
gimme= give me 給我; lemme= let me 讓我
kinda= kind of 有點

FYI= for your information 供參考 ; FYR= for your reference 供參考
AKA= as known as 又名
OOO= out of office 不在辦公室
ASAP= As soon as possible 儘快
NRN= no reply necessary 不須回復
RSVP= répondez s’il vous plaît 敬請回覆 (法文)
BTW= by the way 順帶一提

TGIF= thank god it’s Friday 感謝天禮拜五了
BFF= best friends forever 永遠的摯友
OOTD= outfit of the day 今日穿搭
DM= direct message 私訊
TTL= talk to you later 再見,有空再聊
LOL= laugh out loud 笑出聲
OMW= on my way 在路上了
LMK= let me know 讓我知道
JK= just kidding 開玩笑
IMO= in my opinion 依我所見
IDK= I don’t know 我不知道
GTG= got to go= gotta 先走啦; 得走了 

萬用商用英文詞彙 & 句型

Section 1. Introduction
Email basic structure

CC= Carbon(複寫紙) copy; BCC= Blind Carbon Copy

      Salutation 稱謂: Dear Sir/Madam (when unknow name);

Our products are customizable to your specifications (規格=specs)

John walked you through (詳盡協助/了解) our pricing, …

We look forward to a thriving business relationship/ mutually beneficial/ profitable relationship/ partnership with you.

      Complimentary close 結尾敬語

Sincerely; sincerely yours; yours sincerely; 

best regards; regards; best wishes


  1. Please find/ see the attached report/ price list/ document/ minutes (會議記錄)/ quote/ overview (簡介) of our products
  2. Quotations are attached.
  3. Attached is the report for your perusal (供您詳閱), as requested.
  4. Per (有關/根據) your request, attached is …
  5. I’ve included/ attached…

Section 2. Email Sentences 

  1. I’m writing to inquire/ ascertain/ ask whether you can provide your latest catalogue. (=The reason for this email is to learn whether…)
  2. I’m writing this letter on behalf of TBC.
  3. For your review (供您審閱), attached is my business plan.
  4. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email 煩請告知已收到此郵件.

Please indicate your acknowledgement and acceptance by returning this email.

  1. This is in response to your recent advertisement for a senior manager position.

I’m writing in connection to your recent advertisement.

In answer to your question, we received the letter this morning.

  1. Regarding this project, I would like to clarify a few points before we proceed.

Details are being finalized (敲定, 完成) on this end (我方) for the upcoming visit of our CEO, Cathy, to your company.

Once it meets with your approval, I will finalize/ begin working on it.

  1. With regard to/ in regard to/ with respect to (/ as for/ about) your delivery scheduled for next Wednesday, I regret (很抱歉) to inform you that the shipping will be delayed.

We anticipate delivery to be January 2. Should this date change, we will contact you immediately.

  1. I need your help in the following matter.
  2. I’m interested in your range of office supplies. (in the range of sth.)
  3. Mr. John has forwarded to (轉交) me your recent fax regarding the matters that you wish to discuss.

We have received your inquiry of/ dated January 5, regarding our latest model.

  1. Your order, consisting of 800 units for travel kits was shipped this morning.
  2. As requested, the sample has been sent out via courier (DHL/ FedEx) with the tracking number……
  3. Attached are the bill of lading (提貨單) and invoice for your reference (供參).

Attached please find the new office layout (規劃圖) I discussed with you.

Here are the details about your delivery.

  1. After a careful review of your operations (營運狀況), we believe that your company is ideal for meeting our OEM/ ODM needs. (Original Equipment/ Design Manufacturer)
  2. In light of the many requests for extended operating hours, we will initiate new service hours.

This letter is to notify you that our office will be closed on Monday.

Please be advised (特此告知): It is time to prepare your annual sales report.

It is my sad duty to advise you that we will not be renewing your contract.

Please advise us as to your minimum order that qualifies for free delivery.

If you have any objections (異議) to any of my proposed changes, please let me know and we’ll find a way to work them out (解決問題).

  1. It was great talking with you on the phone yesterday.
  2. Thank you for taking time out to (撥空) demonstrate your latest design.

We here at TBC are appreciative of the opportunity to serve you/  quote(報價) for you.

I’d like to offer you my sincere/ heartfelt/ (most) earnest thanks/ appreciation/ gratitude/ gratefulness for stopping by our booth (攤) at the recent trade show (商展).

Thank you for your unwavering (不動搖的;始終如一的) support/ continued patronage (資助) over the past year.

Thanks to your outstanding work in organizing this event, the expo (exposition) came off (舉行) without a hitch (成功).

Thanks for all your assistance on this project.

  1. We at TBC would like to wish you the warmest greetings during this joyous holiday season/ festive season and a prosperous New year.

In appreciation of our close collaboration this past year, we’d like to extend (表示; 給予) our warmest wishes to you during this holiday season.

-extend/ convey one’s welcome/ thanks/ sympathy/ apologies to sb.

-collaboration (actively work together) vs. cooperation (only one party is active; police ask your cooperation)

May your festive season be filled with joy and laughter.

May you and your loved ones enjoy a New year blessed with happiness and prosperity.

  1. Congrats (Congratulations) on the big announcement/ your forthcoming/ upcoming wedding!

Our heartiest congratulations on your accomplishment.

I wish you and your bride-to-be/ husband-to-be a lifetime of happiness!

Congrats and best wishes for a very blessed marriage!

  1. It was a pleasure and privilege to work with you and get to know you.

We are privileged/ grateful to have worked with you.

I’m glad/ delighted you have the opportunity to further your career, and I wish you all the best.

-delight (v./n.) 高興; delighted 感到高興的; delightful 令人高興的

  1. TBC cordially (誠摯地)/ formally invites you to the launch party/ press conference (記者會) for our new series laptop.

I would like to invite you to the launch/ demonstration of our newest addition to (最新款式) the Ruby Collection.

You are all warmly welcomed (to participate) in  this year’s annual end-of-year (年終) celebration.

It is a great pleasure to extend this invitation to you and your staff.

On behalf of TBC, I am pleased to invite you to a presentation (發表會) of our new product, the AC700. 

  1. Places are limited, so please R.S.V.P. by October 25 to avoid disappointment.

-R.S.V.P.= please reply; enc.= enclosure 附件; ps= postscript; pto= please turn over

We’re dealing with time constraints, so please take care of these points ASAP.

Regrets only (若因故缺席請告知) to KC (02) XXXXXXXX.

Please send me an email at KC@hotmail.com to confirm your attendance at this event.

This is to reconfirm/ verify/ clarify our scheduled appointment for Wednesday, November 11.

For more details/ detailed directions, contact KC at (02) XXXXXXXX.

If you need to reach me, my contact number is (02) XXXXXXXX.

I’ll put you plus one on the door list (門口的名單).

  1. Please accept my sincere apology for any trouble/ inconvenience this oversight (疏忽)/ carelessness/ inaccuracy/ miscommunication has caused/ on our part.

I regret to inform you that we made a blunder/ mistake/ error, and I hope you didn’t take offence (因冒犯而生氣)/ feel offended.

We’ll offer you a discount next shipment as a token of our regret (表達我們的歉意)/ to make up for your loss.

-as a token of my love/ our respect/ our admiration/ our appreciation for you.

  1. I’m very sorry for the delayed response.

I apologize for not being in contact with you sooner regarding your email.

  1. John called the meeting to order at 2pm.

The tentative (暫時的) agenda is below.

The meeting was adjourned/ put off (延期) until next Friday.

The meeting was adjourned (結束) at 12 pm.

-adjourn v. 延期,休會; adjournment 延期,休會期

John moved to (提議) put off (推遲) the motion (動議).

The highlight of the meeting are as follows:

The minutes (會議記錄) were submitted by John.

  1. I’ll be on leave (休假) from March 15 until March 20, and those issues that are ongoing will be handled by John in my absence.
  2. I hope that clears things up (釐清)  for you.

I hope my explanation was satisfactory.

  1. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

I look forward to your prompt response.

I hope to hear from you soon/ I hope you will reply swiftly with a quote and additional/ further information.

I’m looking forward to receiving your acceptance of this offer.

  1. If you have any more questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Contact me at any time should you have any questions/ queries concerning the matter.

Feel free to tell me if there is anything I can do to be of assistance, I will address (處理;滿足需求) any queries you may have.

You are more than welcome to call me with any questions you may have.

Please direct any questions you may have to my office at (02)XXX extension (=ext.)…/ email.

  1. I hope we can touch base like this more often in the future.

Looking forward to our continued cooperation/ renewed business association.

We hope you will find these goods satisfactory and that we will have the pleasure of receiving future orders from you.

We can discuss that further in a meeting, to be arranged at a mutually convenient time.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience (方便時).

  1. I’ll ensure that all materials arrive in a timely manner.

I’ll be happy to take care of all of your needs personally (親自).

  1. If you have some kind of timetable/ milestone chart/ schedule for this project, we would appreciate a duplicate/ copy.
  2. Should you have any more data that’s pertinent (相關的;貼切的)/ relevant, by all means/ be sure to  forward it to me.
  3. I wish you and your company the best of luck in the future.

Wishing you all the best of luck!

May the coming year be prosperous.

  1. ETD: Estimated Time of Departure 預計離開(離港)時間

e.g., ETD Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK): 22-MAR-2020

ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival 預計抵達(港口)時間

ATD: Actual Time of Departure 實際離開(離港)時間


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